It is a no secret that I am a passionate advocate for boat clubs as an alternative to owning a boat.
As owner of the Freedom Boat Club Jacksonville, I am eager to point out all the advantages of membership. There are many people who benefit from the affordable, hassle-free nature of boat clubs. But not everyone.
In some circumstances, owning a boat is the better option.
If you are considering to either buy a boat or join a boat club – which are both good, viable options — here are my guidelines.
You should buy a boat if you:
- Like to go out more than 25 miles offshore
- Want to regularly fish in tournaments
- Enjoy tinkering with your boat
- Like to have a boat when camping or traveling
- Don’t like to plan ahead at all, and enjoy going out on the spur of the moment
- Like to go boating at night
- Want to keep all your stuff in the exact same place on a boat
- Prefer to use one kind of boat (deck, pontoon, fishing, etc.)
- Enjoy exploring smaller bodies of water and out-of-the-way lakes and rivers, that are not covered by a club area.